‘’Is there more to life than this?’
Alpha is a series of sessions for expats in the UAE who are interested in exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is a global course, and everyone is welcome. Usually, Alpha includes a meal, a course centred video, and good conversation. However, as we're exercising social distancing, we've started meeting over video chat to watch & discuss the course material.
We are starting another Alpha Course on the 4th of October! Keep your eyes peeled for future announcements!
Email us if you have any questions about the course at
The Parenting Children Course
We are launching our Parenting Children course on the 19th of October. Keep your eyes open for info on how to sign up coming soon!
The Parenting Children Course is for parents, step-parents, prospective parents or carers of children aged 0-10 years. The course is for every type of parenting situation including parenting on your own, step-parenting and parenting as a couple. This course is based on Christian principles but is designed for all couples with or without a church background.
Click here for more information on the course, or sign up below!
Note: we haven’t scheduled a start date for this course yet, but if you sign up we will let you know once we do.
Pre-Marriage Course
The Pre-Marriage Course is a series of five sessions to help engaged couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage, build strong foundations for their future together.
Over five sessions, the course will help you to learn to communicate well, understand and appreciate your differences, and prepare for potential challenges.
We are running courses throughout the year! Sign up to get connected and start the course with one of our leadership couples.
Click here for more information on the course, or sign up below!
The Parenting Teenagers Course
We do not have a date for our next Parenting Teens course yet, but keep an eye on the announcements at church, and the MailChimp on Sundays!
The Parenting Teenagers Course is for parents, step-parents, prospective parents or carers of teenagers aged 11-18 years. The course is for every type of parenting situation including parenting on your own, step-parenting and parenting as a couple. The Parenting Teenagers Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.
Click here for more information on the course, or sign up below!
The Marriage Course
Designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.
The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, run on Zoom, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. It was developed by Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of The Marriage Book, for couples who are looking for practical ways to strengthen their relationship, build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively, and resolve differences well.
Every evening will consist of short video presentations and practical exercises, watched and conducted between husband and wife, no small group discussion, no sharing of issues or challenges with anyone else but your partner.
If you are interested in participating in the next Marriage Course please click on "sign up" button below to book your spots, or click here for more information about the course.
The Adopted Course
When we get adopted into God’s family our identity changes, the trajectory of our lives change and the paradigms by which we view life all have to change. This reality can sometimes be difficult to grasp and a real relationship with Jesus may elude us.
Over a period of 7 weeks the Adopted Course takes a close look at what changes in our lives when we decide to accept and follow Jesus. It focuses on healing and restoration and replacing wrong beliefs with the truth, bringing us into a deeper relationship with God.
For more information, click here.
Stay tuned for the next course dates!
The Finance Course
We will be running another Finance Course soon!
Keep an eye on our weekly emails or return to this page for further information.
Click here for more information on the course.