New here? We would love to get to know you a little bit better and share with you our heart and more about what’s going on here. For us here at Well of Life, one of the things that’s most important to us is family. We know many of you are away from home and loved ones, but we believe that God has joined us as a bigger family here in Dubai and we would love for you to become a part. Throughout this website, you’ll find sections about what we believe, who we are, and what we have going on. Please have a look around and let us know where you’d like to jump in!
first time?
Get involved
If you want to know how to get involved at Well of Life, follow this link. We would love for you to get stuck in and become part of our family!
stay Informed
Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with and become a part of what’s happening in the life of the church!

Plugged in
To all the newcomers of Well of Life, we would love to get to know you better. The elders would love to host you for dinner and good conversation! This will be a chance to have a meal together and for us to share with you a little about Well of Life and what we believe and vice versa. Sign up at the link to the right to attend our next one!